From the harsh opening notes of "Politik," it was quickly clear that
A Rush of Blood to the Head was different sort of album from
Parachutes. Where there debut was mellow "Yellow," the follow-up was bolder, more confident, and better. While mid-tempo "In My Place" and piano-based "The Scientist" showed they could still emote with the best of them, "God Put a Smile on Your Face" demostrated an improved sense of layered melody, and Grammy-winning "Clocks" became the band's new defining sound. Although all their albums have been good, this remains their best work, and of the very best albums of the decade.
Best: In My Place, God Put a Smile Upon Your Face, Clocks, The Scientist, Warning Sign, A Rush of Blood to the Head, Green Eyes, Politik
There's something special about this album. I don't know what it is, it just feels like a classic. It feels like one that's gonna be remembered. So, yeah, I agree, it's awesome. Also, FINALLY, a review that loves God Put A Smile Upon Your Face. That was always one of my favourite tracks from this album, and all the reviews i've read list it as a low point.
I don't know if I would give it a five, though. Very few albums get a full 5 from me this decade. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Kid A and Origin of Symmetry (will you, by any chance, be reviewing that one in this series).
Thanks Matt. I have a friend who to this day will go on and on about how God Put a Smile Upon Your Face is the best song...Ever! (he talks like that). Kid A is great, and I already touched on that (I'm going chronologically). I didn't get into Muse until recently, so while I appreciate Origin of Symmetry, it's not going to be on the list. However, another Muse album surely will.
Yeah, I saw the Kid A review. Really good job on that. Can't wait to see the Muse review, because they're my favourite band of the decade. I'm thinking you'll probably do BHaR, but i'll wait and be surprised.
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